19.New New York

The Cranberries,出道10年發行的首張精選輯中,The Cranberries
特地送上與製作老友stephen Street合作的'Stars'、'New New
York'兩首最新創作;2001年The Cranberries發行專輯「Wake
Up And Smell The Coffee」前後,美國遭逢911恐怖攻擊行動,
這首'New New York'無疑是四位團員對重創甚深的紐約的音樂問候。

New New New Ahh. New New New Ahh.
New New York Skyline. Don't crumble, no despair.
It's a new New York today.
I look across this city's streets.
My heart is numb in still beats.
Nothing to say. There's nothing to say.
I look acorss this empty room.
My heart is still in gloom.
There's nothing to say.
I only can pray.
New New New Ahh. New New New Ahh. New New York skyline.
Don't crumble, don't despair.
It's a new New York today.
K look across this city's streets.
My heart is cold in beats.
Courties of man from zero to death.
New New New Ahh. New New New Ahh.
Down on my knees and pray.
For the years of the day.
No Comfort I can find.
For th loved ones left behind.
They won't tear us apart.
They won't tear us apart.
Don't wait. New day New day New day.

嶄新的紐約天際線 寫下歷史的一頁 別退卻 別氣餒
這是全新的紐約 環顧城市街景 心在靜止的跳動中沈寂
吾欲無言 我對這世界已經無言 環顧空蕩的房間
吾欲無言 除了祈禱我無言以對 嶄新的紐約天際線
寫下歷史的一頁 別退卻 別氣餒 這是全新的紐約
環顧城市街景 心在跳動中冷靜 造化弄人 生命如過往雲煙
我跪下祈禱 為這特別的一天 卻無法感覺 離人留下的安慰
誰也無法撕毀這一切 誰也無法撕毀這一切
誰也無法撕毀這一切 誰也無法撕毀這一切 別再等待 嶄新的一天